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"Scribbles of Life in Notes and Travels" is a collection of notes from the scribbles of life's journey. The writing in it is very full of reflections and messages of life, so it is very good as material for inner reflection, both personal and collective. The writing contained in this book is very inspiring and motivating for those who read it. more

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I am a person who has a hobby of writing and reading as well as making observations related to science and technology, education, nature, and the environment, including matters relating to social and cultural issues. In addition, I am also very interested in matters related to marketing and sales. Experience in housing development management and factory management is very helpful and complements m…

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"Scribbles of Life in Notes and Travels" is a collection of notes from the scribbles of life's journey. The writing in it is very full of reflections and messages of life, so it is very good as material for inner reflection, both personal and collective. The writing contained in this book is very inspiring and motivating for those who read it.

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