Toko Buku Online

Plato insisted that only Philosopher can rule. We may argue to accept it literally, but we must certainly be agree to see it in a broader sense, that only those who love knowledge, who dedicate them self to the truth, whose words and deeds are characterized by wisdom, can creat just and prosperous society. From that point of view, we see how close is the relation between education and power. High … more

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Plato insisted that only Philosopher can rule. We may argue to accept it literally, but we must certainly be agree to see it in a broader sense, that only those who love knowledge, who dedicate them self to the truth, whose words and deeds are characterized by wisdom, can creat just and prosperous society. From that point of view, we see how close is the relation between education and power. High quality of education bequeathes great leaders and vice versa. 

We cant imagine to be rulled by the greedy souls who are only satisfied by wealth, or governed by a tyrant who deemed his rival as mortal enemy whose soul is worth killing. To avoid such catastrophe, we must emphasize educative politics in which politician should be an exemplary model for the youth. Since humans learn in society much longer than their episodes in the schools. Youth learn from television, personal gadget, social media, from words of mouth that continuously expose profanity of polit

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Karyavirtual- Toko Produk digital, Ebook, audiobook dan course

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  • 04FEB

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